Saturday, October 21, 2006

All the fun of the fare

Long journeys with whining kids can be a touch distracting.

Rogue hands pulling your hair or snaking ever closer to the handbrake, sweet wrappers flung about with gay abandon, shrieking loud enough to shatter glass... such is the fun of family motoring.

So imagine if some kindly manufacturer decided to make a vehicle that could transport five kids - or adults, for that matter - in comfort, but also fitted a protective screen between you and your darling progeny behind.

Sounds too good to be true?

Ladies and gentlemen - we give you... the taxi !

And this isn't just any old taxi. This is the brand-new TX4 from British firm LTI Vehicles.

With a purpose-built 2.5-litre turbodiesel engine bolted onto a Chrysler auto gearbox, the TX4 will return a respectable 32mpg.

There's no word on its 0-60mph time, but we reckon it's a safe bet you won't be challenging a 911 from the lights.

The TX4 still has the famous 25-foot turning circle required by the Public Carriage office, and prices start at £26,995.

Outspoken views on any subject under the sun not included.

© Source: original article on topgear
