Thursday, November 23, 2006

A go-kart for grown-ups

Dennis Palatov is our kind of guy !
Not content with dreaming of owning and driving supercars, Dennis got off his butt and has designed, built and tested his very own go-kart for proper adults. He's even intending to sell the car with a one-year warranty.

dp1 kartdp1 kart 2But the DP1, as he calls his self-designed machine, is no normal trackday special. For starters, the engine sits alongside the driver, with one balancing out the other either side of the carbon fibre bodywork.

Then there's the racing gearbox sourced from Hewland, which supplies many of the world's top racing teams.

The engine for the DP1 is also another unusual piece of design. It's two Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle engines spliced together to form a compact and potent 2.4-litre V8.

No hard and fast performance figures, but the diminutive DP1 has been charging around race circuits in and around Oregon in the US.

© Source: original article on topgear
